Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Wayne Gretzky

Yes, the "Great One" signed 2/2 in person on 3/12/09. I'm still in shock. When Gretzky appeared everybody ran at him for an autograph. I was really luck to get him to sign 2 cards. The other card is the same as the one shown above. He signed about 25-30 things, which is probably a good amount for him. These cards both look really nice, and both are signed in silver Sharpie. This is definetly my favorite success thus far. I have many more articles to update, but I just really wanted to share this success!


kc said...

Ugh that tops my success. But good for you, that is awesome, where did you get him?

Autograph Crazy said...

I got him in person after a game. Like I said I was really lucky to get his autograph. There were tons of people waiting to try and get it. I was just one of the lucky ones.

kc said...


nolongerposting said...

Wow I grew up a huge Gretzky fan so I'm VERY jealous of this success. Congrats on the sweet cards!

The Thrill said...

That's awesome. Great card and great looking signature from The Great One. I used to be a big baseball autograph collector back in my younger days, and never got anyone near as good as Gretzky is. That'd be like getting Cal Ripken, Bonds, Mays, etc.

Nice job!

manny said...

do you want to trade one of those since you got two?